a close up of a fire burning in a fireplace

Our last event

Croeso Cynnes Laugharne meets on the second and fourth Friday of every month, from 11 am to 2 pm,  at the Laugharne Memorial Hall. Our last meeting was held on Friday 13 December.

November Highlights At Croeso Cynnes #2 in November, we welcomed two guest speakers working within and alongside the NHS, who provided invaluable advice and information. Alongside the usual opportunity for a friendly catch-up and tabletop games, the home-cooked “deconstructed cottage pie” lunch was a big hit!

Buddug Davies, Social Prescriber from the Coach & Horses surgery, spoke with guests about the support she can offer both at the surgery and at home. She shared insights on accessing specific support groups, organisations, and help with filling out forms. Self-referrals can be made through your GP or via email at [email protected].

Catrin Billington introduced the Be Well service in Carmarthenshire, which offers training and support for patients and carers dealing with health and wellbeing challenges. You don’t need to face difficulties alone – contact the service at 0300 303 8322 (option 5) or email [email protected].

December Festivities Croeso Cynnes #1 in December embraced the festive spirit with crackers, games, carols, and an “All Things Christmas” quiz. Nearly 50 guests enjoyed a wonderful warming homemade meal. Maggie James delighted everyone with a selection of seasonal readings – many thanks to Maggie for her wonderful contributions.

We are especially grateful to our volunteers – those in the kitchen, front of house, or who help with the setting up and taking down of the Hall. We couldn’t do it without you! 

For more details please follow local social media and the Croeso Cynnes Facebook page or contact Jonathan directly on 07703524203. 

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